FSGW Board Minutes: Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Meeting Called to Order

by Mary Cliff at 8:10 P.M.

Members Present: Mary Cliff, Sue McIver, Richard Aigen, Jerry Stein, Sandy Aubin, Betsy Platt, Penelope Weinberger, RosieLee Salinas, Roxanne Watts, Liz Milner, Peter Maier, Jane Meneely, a quorum is present.

Members Absent: Leslie Root

Other Attendees: Nancy McKemie, Member


No action recorded. Approval of July and September 2012 minutes pending.


Treasurer: Richard Aigen (handout provided)

The budget showed a small surplus as of August 31, 2012. Contrastock II and the Monthly Square dances have shown profits. Contra Sonic is not currently profitable, and its frequency and format are under review by the Dance Committee. The FSGW annual budget meeting is scheduled for Columbus Day, October 8, 2012, location to be determined.

Dance: Penelope Weinberger

A woman suffered an injury while dancing at a Sunday Night Contra Dance (SNCD) event. Penelope spoke with the woman, other dancers, and the man with whom the woman was dancing to gather the details of the incident.

Some dancers reported they had complained about the same man's behavior among themselves, but had not brought these complaints to the attention of the chair or other member of the dances program committee before the incident. Accompanied by the representative of the Glen Echo Park dance site, Penelope tried to engage the man in a conversation. She was rebuffed, and the man demanded to “speak with the president”.

Penelope recommended the Board temporarily exclude the man from SNCD events.

Action Item: The President will obtain additional information before any action takes place.

Publications: Roxanne Watts

Mary Cliff and Roxanne Watts led a discussion concerning the format for reporting Board meeting activities in the monthly Newsletter prior to approval and public availability of the Board minutes.

Web Administration: Sandy Aubin

Sandy recapped current challenges in improving, maintaining, and operating the FSGW website and providing assistance to program chairs and staff. Steering Committee comments are recorded there.

Membership: RosieLee Salinas

RosieLee Salinas discussed difficulties associated with the current membership data. She will work with Web Administration and Dennis if needed to resolve them.

Publicity: Liz Milner

Liz will report the activities of the Publicity Committee at the November Board Meeting.

Web Design Steering Committee: Sandy Aubin

The web redesign project requires project coordination and management, a task outside the scope of the Steering Committee. The committee recommends hiring a consultant or project manager.

Old Business

None reported.

New Business

President recommended that the Board approve a $500 contribution to the Youth Voices event in Massachusetts. The Board deferred action.

Meeting Adjourned at 10:40 PM

Respectfully submitted by

Sandy Aubin, Secretary
Folklore Society of Greater Washington

(HTML formatting corrections, no change to content. 12-24-2012, Sandy Aubin)